Summary Text

SUMMARY: First diagnosed with myeloma October 2011. Recruited onto clinical trial Myeloma X11 (Lenalidomide) at Bristol Oncology and Haematology Centre. First High Dose Therapy and Stem Cell Transplant (HDT&SCT) in July 2012. On maintenance until June 2017. June 2018 recruited onto Myeloma XII trial (Ixazomib). December 2018 Second HDT&SCT. On maintenance until February 2020. August 2020 Commenced treatment involving Daratumumab. April 2021 relapsed. June 2021 recruited onto Cartitude 4 clinical trial and infused with CAR-T cells in October 2021. My own immune system is now fighting the cancer . I am exceedingly fortunate.

Saturday, 27 November 2021

After Effects

Every year we are treated to a display of winter-flowering jasmin

The after effects of my treatment continue to require effort both from myself but especially from Margaret who drives me to and from Bristol.

Looking at my diary, last Tuesday I attended clinic needing blood tests and line care (weekly change of my PICC line dressing).  The blood tests identified low platelet count so the appointment was followed by a trip up to get a transfusion.  The following day I was back for a transfusion of two units of blood.  This meant that Margaret left me in Bristol and went home.  Once the timing was known she then returned to collect me.

This week has been similar; blood tests/line care followed by clinic, then yet more platelets.  Yesterday I was treated to an fusion of imunoglobulin.  This is a complicated subject which I can only partially explain.  In simple terms, this treatment tops up my immune system!  Because the treatment can have side effects, the infusion rate is initially slow.  My blood pressure, temperature, respiration and oxygenation were regularly checked.  Little by little the rate of infusion was increased until the expected time of conclusion could be predicted.  This allowed me to phone Margaret and have her collect me - yet again.

All this effort might seem almost too much but firstly it demonstrates the efforts that my consultant and the BHOC are going to care for me.  Secondly I perceive it as investment.  A few months of treatment will hopefully give me a period of remission. My consultant showed me my paraprotein graph which displayed a near-vertical line downwards.

View health as an investment, not an expense
John Quelch

Keep safe, keep well
