Summary Text

SUMMARY: First diagnosed with myeloma October 2011. Recruited onto clinical trial Myeloma X11 (Lenalidomide) at Bristol Oncology and Haematology Centre. First High Dose Therapy and Stem Cell Transplant (HDT&SCT) in July 2012. On maintenance until June 2017. June 2018 recruited onto Myeloma XII trial (Ixazomib). December 2018 Second HDT&SCT. On maintenance until February 2020. August 2020 Commenced treatment involving Daratumumab. April 2021 relapsed. June 2021 recruited onto Cartitude 4 clinical trial and infused with CAR-T cells in October 2021. My own immune system is now fighting the cancer . I am exceedingly fortunate.

Friday, 19 August 2022


Yet again, at this month's consultant appointment, my myeloma (as monitored by my paraprotein level) remains undetectable.  My other blood counts were also considered acceptable.  Notably my neutrophil has stabilised indicating that the frequency that I self administer GCSF is appropriate.

This is the GCSF that I self administer once each week.  It comes in the form of pre-filled syringes and must be stored in the fridge.  Its purpose is to stimulate the production of white cells, one type being neutrophils.

The reference to Filgastim seems to be straight out of Harry Potter!

Last month I showed the progress of our grapes.  The recent hot weather has had a marked effect:

Tasting the grapes, although now well-coloured, they are still quite bitter.  

Maybe another two weeks and I'll be able to harvest and commence making Port wine.

My quotation(s) this month are therefore:

"Wine is a drink for boys - Port for men"
Winston Churchill

"The first duty of Port is to be red"
Ernest Cockburn

"Any time not drinking Port is a waste of time"
Percy Croft

Keep safe, keep well  😀
