This then got me thinking about blood donation. I had once been a blood donor and then a platelet donor. Over the last few years I have needed platelets for which I am so grateful. I have also seen patients who are much more poorly than me and are reliant on blood transfusions simply to stay alive.
This week I attended my routine clinic. Since the one in January, I have decided to return to my Magistracy duties and in fact have already sat on three occasions. It's good to be back ! At this clinic all was well although my platelet count was a little low. The doctor thought this was likely to be due to me having a viral infection (a cold). Also confirmed was that in January my paraprotein count had reduced to 7 indicating response to the high dose therapy and stem cell transplant which I had in December. My November count had been 10 and, when I am reviewed after 100 days to see whether I qualify to remain in the trial, I must have a count lower than this. Only time will tell.
Since December I've gradually put back the weight I lost during my two weeks in hospital. For now, I'm glad to have returned to fairly normal life.
Winter is the season of recovery and preparation
Paul Theroux