Summary Text

SUMMARY: First diagnosed with myeloma October 2011. Recruited onto clinical trial Myeloma X11 (Lenalidomide) at Bristol Oncology and Haematology Centre. First High Dose Therapy and Stem Cell Transplant (HDT&SCT) in July 2012. On maintenance until June 2017. June 2018 recruited onto Myeloma XII trial (Ixazomib). December 2018 Second HDT&SCT. On maintenance until February 2020. August 2020 Commenced treatment involving Daratumumab. April 2021 relapsed. June 2021 recruited onto Cartitude 4 clinical trial and infused with CAR-T cells in October 2021. My own immune system is now fighting the cancer . I am exceedingly fortunate.

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

April 2019 Consolidation

This month's consultant appointment was slightly problematic.  At my previous visit in March, it was not possible to allocate this month's.  In the event I was scheduled to attend one week early.  Whilst this suited the booking system, it did not conform with the trial protocol.  My consultant was able to prescribe for the second consolidation but it could not be issued to me until I'd had a blood test within 72 hours of the start of the cycle. Got it? I therefore had to go back again this week for that blood test.  Fortunately everything was OK so I received the necessary medications to continue. 

I had predicted that consolidation could be hard work and I've been proved right.  Inevitably following stem cell transplant just before Christmas, I've been knocked back somewhat.  For two cycles, each of 28 days, I have to take drugs which produce some side effects.  They are tolerable but I shall be glad when this phase of treatment is over.  It is noteworthy, looking at the blood test results, that each measure is somewhat suppressed - probably caused by the medications.  I just have this last month to get through and then I proceed onto maintenance proper, only needing to take the trial drug; Ixazomib.  I'm sure it will be all worth while in the end.

Meanwhile spring has continued to develop.

We have a loggia which connects back door, our patio eating area and our garden hut.  Some years ago I planted a grape vine cutting and since then have trained it under the loggia roof.  Each autumn, it gets severely pruned and I always wonder whether it will re-grow.  Every spring however the vine comes back to life.

The picture shows just one set of leaf buds.  Yet again nature has asserted itself.

I enjoy the spring more than the autumn now. 
One does, I think, as one gets older
Virginia Woolf

Keep well